Welcome to this 2D & 3D world
Videos & animations for sale
Motion graphics:

2D marketing videos
24 marketing videos in both *.mp4 and *.gif formats, some in 640*480pxs, and others in 480*480pxs.
For a direct inclusion on your web pages and explainers.
5 US$ with basic resell rights (RR):

Video backdrops
30 high res *.mp4 video backgrounds, looping, 1080p.
5 US$ with basic resell rights (RR):

*.blend files
24 looping mograph FREE *.blend files:

40 marketing oriented still images.
Those images are both 2000px*1500px *.jpg files, and 600px*450px, a ratio adapted to the web and presenters..
5 US$ with basic resell rights (RR):

Interactive 3D. You may drag, rotate the background, you may click the word:
Contact me for accessing more marketing demos: CTAs; animated intros, capture pages, many marketing oriented still images.